Crew Academy is back for 2022
Connection Crew Academy is back for 2022 with exciting opportunities to get involved in setting-up lighting and sound and building sets and stages for events - calling all our charity partners, please pass this information
We’re Hiring!
We are looking for some more highly-skilled, highly motivated people to join our growing office team! We would like to hire a Resources (HR) Co-ordinator and we have extended our search for a Client Services [...]
We are seeking a Digital Marketing Co-ordinator
Want to work in communications for a leading social enterprise operating in the events and creative industries? We are looking for someone who can help devise and deliver digital campaigns for social media and email [...]
Net Zero 2025: Introducing our Roadmap
When we announced our commitment to Net Zero by 2025 in April 2021, we knew we were taking on a challenge, but it's one that could easily have overwhelmed us without some structure. Luckily there [...]
Christmas Greetings
Thank you to our crew, clients and charity partners! Merry Christmas from the Connection Crew Team. [...]
Impact Update November 2021
Welcome to Connection Crew's quarterly impact update - with COP26 just behind us, this instalment focusses on our environmental impact and our journey to Net Zero 2025. So, here's what we have achieved this quarter: [...]