Crew Academy is back for 2022

Connection Crew Academy is back for 2022 with exciting opportunities to get involved in setting-up lighting and sound and building sets and stages for events – calling all our charity partners, please pass this information on to any clients you think would be interested!

Are you  

  • over 18 and looking for full or part-time employment and training opportunities?  

  • motivated by practical and physical work?  

  • keen to learn new skills to feel more confident in professional settings? 

Come along to our Test + Build morning in Bermondsey
on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 to 

  • Learn more about training and employment opportunities with Connection Crew and our partners  

  • Try out elements of Event Crewing like manual handling and problem solving to build a stage for an event 

Attending will give you the chance to get 

  • Training in technical and life skills through the 4-day Connection Crew Academy, taking place 8th – 11th March. It’s a hands-on employment preparation programme for those who are motivated by practical and physical work but would like to feel more confident in professional settings

  • Employment as Event Crew with Connection Crew (part-time – full-time hours, London Living Wage, PAYE contract, venues throughout London) with support from a peer mentor who will help you through your first weeks of event crewing

  • Earn a certificate of attendance, so even if the next stages aren’t right for you, you can add to your CV 

Register here now!
Deadline for registration is 25th February.  
Places are limited so sign-up ASAP to avoid disappointment!  


Heart of the City’s 4 Steps to Action: another step on the road to Net Zero


We’re Hiring!