Net Zero 2025: Introducing our Roadmap

When we announced our commitment to Net Zero by 2025 in April 2021, we knew we were taking on a challenge, but it’s one that could easily have overwhelmed us without some structure.

Luckily there are some brilliant resources out there to support small businesses like Connection Crew – and it’s with their help that we’re able to share Version 1 of our Net Zero Roadmap.  SME Climate Hub brings together useful tools and information from a number of sources into one place, and we’ve used them to commit and set our targets, and to understand how to measure and report our emissions. And more recently we’ve started some formal training with Heart of the City to help us unpack even more.

Our Roadmap is likely to evolve as we learn – but we have to start somewhere – and committing our plans to paper (and the internet) is a good way to keep us motivated and accountable. We hope it will also inspire action among our network – and we’re happy to share our experience and support others.

Check it out below:


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Christmas Greetings