Social impact in 2022

Celebrating the stories, people and numbers of Connection Crew’s social impact, and discovering what we need to do to make our impact for our communities even bigger and better.

Supporting people with experiences of homelessness or who face barriers to work is at the core of who Connection Crew is and what we do. Capturing the impact of our work is critical to understand what’s working well, and what we can adapt to make our impact for the people we support stick the course.

We’ve been listening to the stories, capturing the data and launched this all in our Social Impact report for 2022.

Social impact in 2022: read the report

The report is shaped by our Theory of Change which was launched last year, and which is helping us look again at what we mean when we talk about homelessness and what support is needed to make sustainable, long-term positive change for the people we work with.

The headlines:

Since we launched in 2005, we’ve employed 362 people who’ve had experiences of homelessness or faced barriers to work. Collectively, they’ve completed 197,873 hours of work.

In 2022, we had 50 new crew join us from our target impact audiences, and together with our crew who’ve faced barriers to the workplace, delivered 25,531 hours.

Interested to know more or have any questions? Get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.


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