Making waves with our clients and doubling impact in 2022

Last year Connection Crew and our clients doubled-up on social impact and doubled-down on carbon emissions. Delivering twice as many hours in 2022 for our crew who’ve experienced – or been at risk of – homelessness from 2021. Together we also offset 82% more crew generated carbon: doing good for people, doing good for the planet too.

To celebrate the brilliant companies that champion our social mission, we award clients who provide 25 or more hours for our impact crew with an Impact Account: an evidenced record of the number of hours they have helped create for our impact crew, supporting long-term, sustainable, employment. In 2020, we also added the tonnes of carbon they’ve helped us to offset in their Impact Accounts, so that our clients have tangible data to hand of their work to reduce carbon in their supply chain too

This is the story of our partnerships with clients, and our collective drive to support more people at risk of homelessness, provide more hours, and capture and remove more carbon emissions at the same time.

Read the full story here

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Action to prevent and tackle identity-based violence: Connection Crew gets to grips with Active Bystander training


Social impact in 2022