Action to prevent and tackle identity-based violence: Connection Crew gets to grips with Active Bystander training

Working in industries that are all about people, Connection Crew recognises the pressing need to be aware of – and proactive in – tackling behaviours that put people at risk of harm.

As well as delivering the nuts and bolts of crewing, Connection Crew is founded on a commitment to deliver positive social outcomes for its crew, clients and communities. This means being proactive when it comes to inclusion and driving positive social change within – and beyond – our work.

Partnering with Protection Approaches, crew and staff got to grips with how to become active bystanders. Recognising that we all have a part to play in protecting anyone at risk of violence, harassment or prejudice, active bystander training focuses on building skills and confidence to support anyone at risk of identity-based violence.

Using lived examples of toxic behaviour, we learnt how we could prevent and reduce harm to others, whether this was in a moment of immediate danger or the actions that can be taken to tackle long-term injustices.

On why active bystander training matters, now more than ever, Szymon Glowacki, Stronger Communities Outreach Lead, commented:

Being an active bystander is everyone’s responsibility. Many people have told us at Protection Approaches that they are unsure what exactly to do if they encounter prejudice, discrimination and violence. That’s why with b.esean we’ve developed the Active Bystander training to equip people with the tools they need to help both in the moment, and to support long-term positive shifts in wider society.”

Connection Crew knows that being an active bystander and doing the right thing aren’t nice-to-haves. They’re vital. Mat Berry, Head of Resources, said:

No matter where someone comes from, what they believe, how they identify or what they look like, everyone has the right to be treated with kindness, understanding and respect. This matters to us, and this training has been a brilliant opportunity to practice new skills so that our crew and staff feel empowered to challenge negative behaviours no matter where or when they happen.”

Connection Crew is here to hardwire positive outcomes for everyone we work with and for. This training is part of Connection Crew’s human-centred approach to work, and our commitment to creating safe, inclusive spaces for our people.

To find out more:

Background on Active Bystander Training 

Training provided by Protection Approaches


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