Lambeth Council recognises Connection Crew’s value with Economic Resilience Fund

£6.5m of funding has been made available by Lambeth Council to provide relief to businesses in the borough who continue to be most severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The ‘Economic Resilience Fund’ specifically targets businesses in four categories: market traders and retail concessions, businesses in shared workspaces, cultural and creative businesses, and independent hospitality and leisure businesses (including those in the supply chain) – many of whom fall through the gaps of previously offered government support, but whom the Council recognise as not only providing thousands of local jobs but also adding to Lambeth’s distinct vibrancy.

Connection Crew is one of 650 businesses who will benefit from a grant under the scheme.

Receiving the grant will mean Connection Crew can continue providing vital support to ex-homeless people and social impact in Lambeth,” says Connection Crew director Charlie Dorman. “If only more boroughs would follow Lambeth’s brilliant example and acknowledge that the impact of Covid-19 has hit the supply chain of the events and hospitality industry much harder. Unlike venues, we have had no support and this is a real lifeline for the business moving forward.

We’ve worked successfully to pivot into new sectors in the wake of the pandemic, bringing the energy and agility of event crewing to TV production, facilities management and specialist porterage, but this additional financial support from Lambeth Council will ensure that Connection Crew and the vital jobs we provide are ready to spring into action when hospitality and events return.

Read more about Lambeth Council’s Economic Resilience Fund here>


HereForCulture: it’s a Good Friday for Connection Crew


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