Building brighter futures – how Wates’ ASSETS programme has shaped our path into construction

We talk often over on LinkedIn about our participation in the Wates ASSETS programme, and now we’re pleased to share this short video which really sums up how it’s shaping our journey.

The ASSETS programme is a six-month business support programme for social enterprises, run in partnership with Impact Hub Kings Cross. It began life in 2021 as a pilot mentoring programme to help social enterprises scale their operations and secure larger contracts within the construction industry supply chain – and it’s part of a long term strategic commitment outlined in Wates’ social value strategy to support five social enterprises to achieve national scale by 2025.

“The ASSETS programme has really enabled us to bring our service offering to the construction industry, which means we have much more opportunity to offer ex-homeless people employment.” Charlie Dorman, Director


We’re growing our office team!


23 jobs and over 12,000 hours of paid work for ex-homeless crew members in 2021