23 jobs and over 12,000 hours of paid work for ex-homeless crew members in 2021

In one of the most challenging years for business, we pulled together with our clients to drive social and environmental impact forward – creating 23 jobs for ex-homeless crew members and introducing carbon neutral crew in 2021.   

We released figures today to reveal that our Impact Account holders – qualifying clients across events, film and TV, and construction – helped create 23 jobs and over 12,000 hours of paid employment in 2021 for people who are ex-homeless or at high risk of homelessness. This is despite one of the toughest years for businesses, especially events businesses, in the UK.  

The scheme started in 2012 as a Corporate Social Responsibility account package to help our clients boost their own social impact credentials, and has since evolved into the newly titled Impact Account – reflecting the addition of environmental impact measures as we journey toward to Net Zero by 2025.

To qualify for an Impact Account, clients must generate a minimum of 25 hours of work for our ex-homeless employees in the reporting year, and opt-in to our carbon levy.   

Clients receive a certificate stating the number of hours’ work their business has generated for ex-homeless crew members in 12 months, endorsed by the Community Interest Company regulator, as well as the total amount of carbon generated and subsequently removed via the We Are Albert Creative Offsets scheme.    

“We’re incredibly proud and humbled by the efforts of our network,” says Connection Crew Director Charlie Dorman. “Our mission to create real careers for those furthest from the workforce is only possible with their continued support – and for us to have generated any impact in such challenging circumstances is testament to a business model that’s working for all parties.” 

Connection Crew has provided 172,522 hours of employment to 312 people making their way out of homelessness since we opened for business in 2005.  


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