Team talk: “I see a lot more opportunities for myself now.”

Antonio’s future looks a lot broader than it did before he joined Connection Crew. Back then he wanted to do sound for film when he finished university. Now he wants to do sound for film – and a whole lot more.

Music and events are in Antonio’s blood. “I come from a musical family and back home in Portugal my father booked famous musicians for events that he organised. After moving to London and doing a film and media course I became really interested in sound for film. After that I started my Audio Engineering and Audio Production course at SAE Institute – it can be stressful because it’s three years’ worth of content compressed into two, but it has the best facilities and tutoring I can get in London.”

What Antonio needed now was some part-time work to support his studies. He came across Connection Crew and was invited to interview for a position with the don of event crewing himself, Lukasz Mart, our ex-Head of Crew.

What Lukasz said to Antonio really struck a chord: “I remember his exact words. ‘Joining our event crew can be either a small step or a larger step for your career.’ And after I heard that I gave it everything.”

“I was looking for flexible event work to practice sound in a live environment but I got to learn all the aspects of setting up an event – set, light, sound, truss, everything – because we do everything – that’s the best thing. There are so many different clients and contexts, I’ve been able to see stuff that I cannot see in my school.”

From seeing cutting edge new technology in action: “It seems small but recently I came across a new cable management system for setting up lighting stands – they save so much time.” To seeing a blank space like a country estate or Trafalgar Square completely transformed: “I look around and there are loads of us and it looks so cool. Everyone in the gear, everyone knowing what they are doing – I think it looks amazing, I think it looks like a film.”

“That’s why I recommended Connection Crew to so many of my uni friends.”

Today, Antonio’s goals have evolved. “It’s my experience here that has made me realise that I am not a 9-5 guy. And I know that I’m good now, I know I can work fast and lead teams as well as follow.”

“Ideally going forward now, I’d like to not have just one job. I’d like to do sound for film for a few months, then go touring with my band, then lead a sound design team for an event – I’d even like to have my own workshop now and before Connection Crew I’d never even used a drill!”

“I’m still so young, I don’t want to limit myself to just one of my passions and now I realise that I don’t have to.”

Following this interview, Antonio progressed through the ranks to Crew Chief. He’s now graduated from University and works with us on a freelance basis while he exploring other avenues at the same time.

Find out more about working with Connection Crew


Marking a decade of determination


Team talk: “A feeling of satisfaction you can’t buy”