Serious CSR: We’ve now employed over 200 ex-homeless people

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve now employed over 200 people with a history of homelessness. And as we share the news of this milestone reached we’re urging other businesses to take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously too.

In 13 years we have employed 212 ex-homeless people to complete 115,187 hours of work. Based on the average working week, that is the equivalent of over 70 years’ work. In our last financial reporting year alone Connection Crew provided 57 ex-homeless people with over 18k hours’ work, which is over 3k more than the previous 12 months.

The figures have been revealed as part of our annual CSR Account – an initiative to pay our social impact back to our clients so that they can in turn use the endorsement to win more business.

As social value and CSR become more of an imperative for businesses to compete in the 21st century, the number of people experiencing homelessness continues to rise, so it’s a timely rally.

Charlie Dorman, Director, Connection Crew, commented on this major milestone:

“This is a huge accomplishment that we haven’t reached alone. We say it each year but it’s worth saying again: thank you to our clients, our crew and to the charities we work with.”

“We’re not stopping here though, we’re working harder and thinking bigger about how we can do our bit to help more people out of homelessness through employment. Part of that is urging others to take CSR seriously. The smartest CSR initiatives are not a fluffy add-on, they’re intelligent and mutually beneficial and it’s increasingly what your customers and candidates are demanding.”

For more comment on the business case for CSR read ‘Social value: from nice-to-have to must-do’ by Nick Temple, CEO of Social Investment business.

Want to know about our CSR Account? Contact Margarita Ktoris, Marketing Manager, Connection Crew:


Social Value, from nice-to-have to must-do


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