Personal strengths + Strong connections

As an organisation that creates jobs for people who’ve been homeless in the past, it probably doesn’t come as a big surprise that we are values focused.

What might be surprising though is that our values drive our commercial success as much as our social goals – they permeate everything that we do.

Here they are:

We are proud of our relationships with our clients and crew.  We nurture long-standing relationships, which are built on trust and past success. This means that we have an in depth knowledge of our clients’ businesses and can hand-pick the right crews for the right job.

We continuously learn from our experience and we continuously review our work. We use this continuous improvement to the benefit of our current and future work with our crews and clients.

We are approachable, fair, pragmatic, good-humoured and helpful. We select and place our crews based on their individual strengths and experience. We don’t do crewing by numbers.

Want to know more? Read about our approach.


13,858 hours work for ex-homeless


Team work makes the dream work