Going green: Connection Crew sets sights on 2030 to reach net zero

Connection Crew is delighted to have graduated from the first cohort of Heart of the City’s net zero course.  

Going green matters to Connection Crew. The only way for us to do our best by our people, is to do well by the planet too. So over the last 12 months we’ve been working hard to get to grips with, and reduce, our carbon emissions.

Supported through Heart of the City’s course ‘Climate for SMEs: 4 steps to action’, we’ve collected and crunched the numbers to measure our baseline, helping us to identify the hotspots, and draw up our net zero plan so that we can deliver on it by adjusting our target to 2030.

We’re proud to have been part of the first cohort to graduate from Heart of the City’s course, and here’s what their Director, Maggie Berry OBE, had to say:

Connection Crew have been a powerhouse on our climate action course.  It’s been brilliant to see their progress, and how they’ve rapidly put into practice changes to reduce their emissions. As one of our first graduates, we can’t wait to follow their net zero journey and keep connected to share their learning with the others.”

What we’ve done so far and what we’re planning to do next… 

Whilst on the programme, we moved to a green energy supplier and put new and more effective recycling processes in place. Our teams and crew are encouraged to walk, bike or take public transport, with 90% now doing this in their day-to-day work. Environmental terms are being rolled out in our contracts and agreements with suppliers, and our net zero action plan is aligned with ISO IWA 42:2022 (which was introduced to the world at COP27.)

A big win for us was joining other SMEs on the course who’re grappling with the same challenges that we are, especially around influencing positive change through supply chains. Without working together, net zero is going to be tough, but it’s collaborations like this which is going to make it happen.

For us at Connection Crew, the game changer is the launch of our climate working group: people from across the company who’re taking charge of our plan, making it as progressive as possible to challenge our own – and industry – standards, and putting the actions into place.

In 2023 our sights are set on exploring green pensions and driving down crew-generated carbon emissions.

We’re on our way to a greener way of working, and we’re looking forward to sharing our adventure – the wins, challenges and learnings – with other SMEs on the journey.


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