Connection Crew + Year Here

Connection Crew has partnered up with Year Here to take our opportunities for people who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness to the next level.

Year Here is a postgraduate course in social innovation placing entrepreneurial young professionals into organisations, like Connection Crew, working to solve some of society’s toughest issues.

We’ve been matched with Alice Adams who has spent the last five years working in frontline homelessness services, most recently with Crisis and Cardinal Hume Centre.

Alice will spend five months with Connection Crew dedicated to finding, nurturing and inspiring talent through working with our network of charity and third sector partners.

We’ve employed 248 ex-homeless people since we were founded over 14 years ago – with most people entering straight into work.

A key part of Alice’s role will be to reboot our Employment Programme, for people less ready to go straight into work, helping us to open our doors to more people most in need of a chance.

The Employment Programme is part of our Connection Crew Academy, a series of training and development opportunities for all of our crew.

Watch this space for developments and thoughts from Alice.

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