Connection Crew is Open

Connection Crew is open, operating and here to talk to and lean on during this unprecedented challenge. We feel strongly about doing what we can to help our community and our industry get through this together.

As restrictions announced on 17th March in response to the spread of COVID-19 begin to roll-out in the UK, the events industry will come to a near stand still. The individuals operating in it will be under significant strain, enormous pressure will be felt by our entire community – our crew, clients and charity partners.

We are currently looking hard at the facts to work out how we can best support our community – please watch this space for updates from us on what we have discovered we can do to help.

If you would like to let us know how the pandemic is affecting you, please get in touch: | 0844 822 1515


Still Here – Still Trusted, Expert, Human


Where are the Women?