215Fund: supporting Friends of Windmill Gardens

As part of our #215Fund, Connection Crew is donating 28 hours of skilled support to the Friends of Windmill Gardens (FoWG). We’ll support the set-up its Beer and Bread Festival taking place Bank Holiday Monday 7th May.

But the impact will go much further than that.  Margarita Ktoris, Marketing Manager explains:

“We’re looking forward to supporting the annual Beer and Bread Festival at the iconic Brixton Windmill, literally a stone’s throw from Connection Crew HQ. It’s organised by the FoWG, a local charity led entirely by volunteers.”

“Local people giving up their time to put on events, workshops and tours that boost community cohesion in an area where 1 in 3 children are born into poverty. We think it’s incredibly inspiring.”

“And this is a big year for the FoWG; while our team set-up and take-down key elements of the festival the volunteers will be free to engage with the audience and raise awareness and funds for the fit out of a new education centre that is being built at the windmill.” 

Check out what local news blog Brixton Buzz says about this yearly institution.

To find out more about why we launched #215Fund, read our recent blog or contact Margarita to find out how to apply on margarita@connectioncrew.co.uk


CrewCam @ ‘best ever’ Beer & Bread Festival


CrewCam @ Ideal Home Show