CSR Account results

Underbelly has topped our list of event industry major players in creating jobs for ex-homeless people

Underbelly, Media 10 and Production Bureau are among a host of event industry organisations that in just 12 months have collectively created over 11,000 hours of work for people who have experienced homelessness.

We collated the figures as part of our Connection CSR Account initiative which gives clients evidence of their individual impact in terms of hours of work provided to ex-homeless crew members.

Here’s what they said about it:

“We’re thrilled to be top of the Connection CSR Account list for 2015. It’s great that we can support Connection Crew’s social agenda while doing business with them – because of the impact it can have on peoples’ lives and also because we feel the positive effect that the organisational ethos has on the service we receive on site.”
– James Oakley, Production Manager, Underbelly

“We have been using Connection Crew since our first outdoor event in 2008. They are a totally reliable and effective extension to our team, and we now use them on pretty much all of our events both indoor and out. The fact that we also get an annual endorsement of the social impact our business creates is a bonus’”
– Richard Morey, Group Events Director, Media 10 Ltd

“As an organisation we’ve got a well-established approach to sustainable procurement. We started working with Connection Crew because it seemed like a great way to help people and we’ve stayed for the quality of service. It’s a proud moment each year when the Connection CSR Account certificate comes through – it allows us to share the social impact of working with Connection Crew and our clients are invariably impressed when they hear about it.”
– Sarah Martin, Travel & Logistics Co-ordinator, Production Bureau

In the last financial year Connection Crew employed 25 people with a background of homelessness. Every ex-homeless recruit in the last ten years that has left Connection Crew has gone on to either other employment or education, and two of the team left to go traveling – no one has returned to homelessness.


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