Clients with Corporate Social Responsibility account now exceeds 100

We’ve been offering a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) package to our clients since 2012 in the form of our CSR Account; We’re very pleased to see the number of account holders exceed 100 this year.

Clients receive a certificate stating the number hours’ work their business has generated for our ex-homeless employees in 12 months, they can use the data to stand out from the crowd and win business. To qualify for a CSR Account clients must generate a minimum of 25 hours of work for our ex-homeless employees in the reporting year.

In total during 2018, Connection Crew generated 22,761 hours’ work for all ex-homeless employees. This information is submitted to the Community Interest Company watchdog annually meaning that data received by account holders is regulated and robust.

Charlie Dorman, Director, Connection Crew commented:

“It’s exciting for us to see the number of CSR Account holders grow in line with the total hours’ of work we’re providing each year. We’re seeing increased engagement in the social impact side of sustainability in the events sector. So, congratulations and thank you to all Connection Crew CSR Account holders – you’re making a positive and tangible change to peoples lives through your business.”

In 14 years we’ve now employed 248 people with a history of homelessness to complete 136,017 hours of work.

Find out more about the Connection Crew CSR Account.


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