215 Fund is live

We’re launching 215 Fund to provide support for amazing events and installations that benefit Brixton and beyond, donating a total of 500 hours of manpower to allocate to the most suitable and deserving projects across 2018.

Connection Crew moved to Brixton at the end of February 2017. One of the first things we set out to do was to get out and meet the neighbours. We’ve met businesses, community groups, entrepreneurs and volunteers to introduce ourselves, to get to know them better and most importantly, to find out how Connection Crew can make a meaningful contribution to the community. We learnt that Brixton is communal, creative and get-up-and-go.

And we figured out that we do have something fitting offer; 215 Fund will provide event crew – the professionals that build events.

215 Fund is ideal for people with a great creative team and all the materials in place for an amazing event or installation, but a lack of skilled manpower to get them up and running. It could be an exciting and ethical street party, art installation or pop-up market for the benefit the local community.

We’ll be taking applications for funding every month through the year, it will be really easy to apply via an online form.

If the project meets our criteria we’ll support it – and we’ll work together with the winners and our partners to share success stories through social media and PR.

Watch this space for the official launch – in the meantime we’re also looking for partners to connect us with the most suitable and deserving projects.

If you’re interested in applying please be aware that we applications should be submitted at least 28 days before support is required.

If you’d like to find out more please contact Margarita Ktoris, Marketing Manager at margarita@connectioncrew.co.uk


215 Housewarming with Big Issue Invest


Jungle Bells: Connection Crew Christmas Collection 2017