2024 Impact Accounts Are In!
We’re excited to announce that the 2024 Connection Crew Impact Accounts have officially been sent out to qualifying clients!
Each year, our Impact Accounts provide qualifying clients with a breakdown of the social and environmental impact that they've directly helped to generate.
This is a key moment for Connection Crew and our clients, as we reflect on the incredible work we’ve done together and look forward to even more impactful years to come.
Celebrating Social Impact
Our clients support our mission simply by getting out on site with us. Their work generates direct social impact which we measure in hours of work delivered by our Impact Crew — individuals who have been affected by homelessness. We also share the equivalent working weeks (and in many cases months!) of work that has been generated by the qualifying Impact Account Holder.
This is the heart of what we do: creating opportunities and generating hours of living-wage work for people who need them the most.
Environmental Impact and Sustainability
Alongside social impact, we account for the unavoidable environmental impact of crew activities, measured in kg of CO2e accounted for onsite, so that we can aim to remove and reduce it.
In 2024, partnership with Impact Account holders helped contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future, supporting their reporting of Scope 3 emissions while demonstrating leadership in sustainability.
Looking Ahead to 2025
As we celebrate Connection Crew’s 20th anniversary this year, we’re looking to build even greater impact in 2025.
We're proud to announce that the Carbon Levy will begin funding behaviour change programs aimed at reducing emissions at the crew level. These initiatives will take us beyond carbon offsetting and into proactive reduction, amplifying the environmental impact of every project.
We want to thank every client, partner, and supporter who has been part of this journey.
And, as we continue to build on our success, we've invited our Impact Account holders to celebrate with us on social media! Watch out for those in the coming weeks.
What's next?
We'll be sharing our full 2024 Impact Report soon, sharing more about our work and the overall impact we've generated as a social enterprise over the past year.